About Us

Authors OnLine is a UK-based family company that has been helping authors to self-publish, print and distribute books since 1997. Perfectly adapted to the new digital publishing age, we can deal with all your publishing requirements whether you require an eBook, or printed copies for worldwide distribution, or just for your own private use

Press releases

Heroes Face a Battle Against Time to Save the Human Race

On a cold grey morning, the Warrior Clans, a race of mercenary fighters, were almost wiped out of existence by an act of treachery. They were the... read more

31.07.2014 • By Authors OnLine Ltd

Rum, Bum and Baccy - True Tales of Sailors in the 1960s and 70s

27 short true stories about the life of a sailor in the 1960s and 70s. Read about a goat called Walter who passed his fag rations at H.M.S... read more

22.07.2014 • By Authors OnLine Ltd
